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Rising costs, logistical disruptions, sustainability requirements and the impact of the Russia/Ukraine conflict: Key topics at the 2nd SHAFFE online Congress to be held on 30th of March, 2022

SHAFFE, the Southern Hemisphere Association for Fresh Fruit Exporters will be hosting the 2nd Southern Hemisphere Fresh Fruit Trade Congress 2022 which will take place on the 30th of March 2022 via an online format, with the guiding theme “The new reality of Southern Hemisphere Exports”. The program of the event will explore the rising costs impacting fresh fruit exporters and growers in the region, the opportunities, and challenges in mega markets such as India and China, the current state of play of sustainability requirements in Europe and the US and will outline the Southern Hemisphere season outlook for 2022 / 2023.

Together with panellists from the region including representatives from South Africa, Brazil, Argentina and Uruguay, part of the program will address the current increases of costs along the supply chain. According to Mr. Anton Kruger, CEO of FPEF South Africa and confirmed panellist in the congress, “Tripling container rates, increasing costs for services and inputs and the cascading effects of the economic sanctions taken on Russia challenge the long-term economic viability of the Southern Hemisphere fruit sector.”,

Additionally, leading suppliers of key commodities from Australia, Chile, New Zealand and Peru will also review during the online event the current global market situation. Speakers to date include Mr. Ben McLeod, Sales and Marketing Director at Mr Apple New Zealand and Mr. Jason Bosch, General Manager of Origin Direct Asia South Africa, who will share an overview of the current developments in Asia. The program will also include leading trade experts such as Mr. Sumit Saran, Director of SS Associates, expert on the Indian fruit import and retail market and Mr. Kurt Huang, Deputy Secretary General of the Fruit Branch of the China Chamber of Commerce for Food Stuffs and Native Produce, who will be reviewing the characteristics of the Chinese fruit import market.

Furthermore, the congress will also serve as an important platform in which to review from the current sustainability requirements impacting the sector. According to Marta Bentancur, current SHAFFE Vice- President and representative of Upefruy – Uruguay. “The Congress is an excellent opportunity to review the opportunities and challenges sustainability represents for Southern Hemisphere fruit production now and for future generations.”

Finally, according to Charif Christian Carvajal, President of SHAFFE and representative of ASOEX – Chile “This year’s Congress is a not to be missed opportunity to review from a Southern Hemisphere perspective, those issues that are shaping the new reality for the regions global exports including global supply chain challenges and increasing costs of production, the road ahead in regards to sustainability, opportunities in mega markets such as China and India and a general season outlook for 2022/2023.”

For more information and registrations to the online Congress please visit: www.shaffe.net.


Participation is free. Simultaneous translation in Chinese and Spanish will be provided. For further enquiries please contact SHAFFE secretariat: secretariat@shaffe.net


Note to editors:

SHAFFE is the Southern Hemisphere Association for Fresh Fruit Exporters, a trade entity composed of the leading trade fresh produce associations from Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Chile, New Zealand, Peru, South Africa and Uruguay. Its member countries represent 25% of the total fresh fruit global supply which is equivalent to 11 million tonnes of fresh fruit exports, valued at USD$15,8 billion.